Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oral Pres - Self Assessment and Commentary

Time to reflect on the Oral presentation.

I believe I used precise film language in my analysis. I tried to use language related to shot variety (such as CU, ECU, WS, etc) and terms related to editing such as formalism and classicism. In this, I related how all three of these came together to create more of a significant meaning. Additionally, I added some socio-cultural commentary as to why The Godfather was important during the time it was created. I stated that the movies focuses on family values as well the genre conventions of the american gangster and mafia film. In terms of cinematography, I mentioned how the influences of the noir in the extract I chose as well as throughout the movie. For the rationale (and the movie), I stated why the I chose it and how it was significant in the large picture. I embedded only one clear opinion of another critic. This was one of the aspects that I could have improved on as to making it clear that it is what other opinions thought. I mentioned how the movie can can be seen as a critique of capitalism and greed, but I did not dwell too deep into it. Going further into this socio-cultural analysis could have improved the chances go me getting a better score. I could have been more persuasive in the way I articulated my analysis.

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