Monday, February 18, 2013

Oral Presentation Assessment- Psycho

This is my practice run at the IB oral commentary. For this commentary, I picked my extract in the film Psycho from the point where Norman Bates invites Marion Crane to dinner with him. If this were to go into IB, I think I would get somewhere in the 16-20 range. Although it isn't horrible, it isn't great either. Firstly, I spoke to softly and I was too far away from the mic; therefore, it seem as if I'm whispering for the entire 15 minutes. Secondly, I kept stumbling and saying "uhh" so many times that it makes it seem as if I have no idea what I'm talking about. Content wise, I feel there was a decent amount of background information on the film. I spent part of the introduction to talk about Ed Gein and his influence on the film. I talked about the director and how his previous work applied to this film in general. I also discussed the the genre and as to why Psycho was so revolutionary at the time by comparing it to older films and a film that came after, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. At the end, there was an explanation on why I chose this exact extract. I spent quite a time talking about the actors and how their performances enhanced the scene. Although the film's interpretation was not at the level I had hoped for, it is still detailed and works well enough. One of the mistakes that I made is that I go too much into the summary. If I had talked loud and fast enough, then maybe it would not have seen this way. Although this was not a good experience, I believe I have learned what I need to do to better prepare myself next year.

If I were to do it again, I would actually change the extract I picked. Although at the time I thought it was a good choice, it really did not provide the content that would have made my oral presentation better. The extract in itself was a fairly weak representation of the film now that I think about it. It isn't a bad representation, but it just isn't as well as many of the other scenes in the film.

After finishing I thought I had gone over the time limit, but I discovered a whole minute of  me just mumbling to myself. I think I may have hit pause instead of stop. Anyways, I was afraid I had gone over by too much, but I guess I made it on time for the HL requirements. 


  1. Nice work! Good background on Hitchcock and influence on the creation of the film. Be careful not to go off topic in relation to Ed Gein. Good attention to themes but it would be insightful to show how they manifest themselves in your extract. Good attention to acting performances in the scene. Be wary of too much plot summary and instead marshal evidence to support your claims. Excellent use of film language in descriptions of cinematography, staging and framing. Good attention to detail in regards to the audio and dialogue in the scene. Your analysis of his hidden sexual desire through the mother's voice and the monster inside of the Norman's head were excellent observations. Keep up the good work!
