Friday, September 28, 2012

Story Elements to Step Outline


The main character is nice guy, but considered a loser in school by the "popular" kids. He lives his life in solitude. He wants to meet new people, yet does not make any efforts in doing so. He often gets bullied, but never crumbles because he has dealt with and is used to years of torture by his classmates. 


There isn't a single person in the world who he believes could save him from his miserable life except the girl of his dreams. He draws her and stares at her all day long. For this reason, his grades are low. He believes he loves yet the girl doesn't even acknowledge his existence. She seems kind, but never directly addresses the boy.  


The story is set in today's time. Some shots in the film will include:
- classroom (s)
- hallway
- mountain or any deserted exterior area
- on the stairs


The boy is considered a loser because he fails at everything he does and he really does annoy others sometimes. Weather it is sports or school work, his focus is somewhere else, mainly on the girl he wishes to impress. At school, he is routinely bullied. It is so constant that he has completely realized that telling other will only result in more beatings. Him acting obnoxious is just a way for him tell the world that punches he received to the face did not really effect him at all. It is clear that it is a lie because he secretly cries at night and in the bathroom. It is also later revealed that the bully is gay. 


His goal is to impress the girl of his dreams and become someone influential in High School or in the World. 


The main physical obstacle in his way is the bully. The bully has been harassing him from very early on in his life and has continued to do so in High School. Also, the girl he wants to impress is "dating" the bully who injures him. The internal obstacle for him is getting over his self-esteem. He thinks very low of himself and his life. In this film, he even tries to commit suicide, but cannot bring himself to do it because he is a coward. 


The story is not in chronological order. But it is for the most part. The film will most likely begin with the character trying to commit suicide and not being able to do it. There will also be a dream sequence where all his goals have come true. 

The Unknown

After his attempt to kill himself, he will curse at himself for not being man enough and being to much of a coward to kill himself. He cries and begs and asks God in desperation for something in his life to give it meaning. He wishes for something that could bring him out of his misery. 


When the bully is trying to beat him up, he is afraid to get hit again and says "no, please no, STOP!." The boy realizes that time itself has frozen. He is able to move, but the others are stuck when he said "stop." He uses this newly discovered power in a way that is only beneficial to him and is actually incredibly selfish. He explains his new power to the girl who immediately decides to be his "girlfriend" and they could get rich and she could have all the new bags and shoes in the world. The boy is extremely happy and returns home. This is where the climax occurs where he accidentally freezes himself. 


The mood of this short film needs to be dark. It could with bright colors and slowly move to darkened colors to highlight the mental and some physical changes within the character and as the audience gets more of an understanding of the boy. 

1. Extreme close-up (almost macro) shorts of the actor saying things like "Do it! Just do it!" before the opening reveal shot.
2. At school, the boy tells the bully who is pushing him around "go back to your group of boyfriends." They bully is bad says "you little..." and begins to punch him until he is stopped by a teacher.
3. He looks at the girl and goes into a dream sequence. 
4. At night he cries.
5. He uses his power to punch the bully while he is frozen.
6. He is stealing money.
7. He freezes himself by saying freeze and pointing at a mirror.

Dramatic Intent:
1. Build suspense and make the audience want to know what is happening. 
2. Shows that bullies beat the boy at every chance he attempts to put them down. He is in a way used to the punishment because he knows he has to run away and once caught he does not fight back. He had admitted defeat already.
3. This illustrates his desires and they are not easy to achieve, especially for him. 
4. This reveals that he tries to hide his emotions from the world because he feels no one will care. 
5. The audience is satisfied because he finally has the opportunity to express his suppressed feelings. 
6. Make the audience know that his power is getting to his head
7. Reveals how abuse of powers can lead to consequences. 


  1. I like your idea for the short story. The idea of the MC getting this power but then using it in bad ways creates a good theme for the story. But I think that if instead of having the girl be alright with the MC using his power to do do bad deeds, it might be more compelling if after the girl finds out about the way the MC was using his power, she thinks very lowly of him, and would never be his girlfriend. This strengthen the theme of "with great powers comes great responsibility" because it would directly show the MC that what he was doing was wrong. Just a little advice, but the storyline is great the way it already is.

  2. I liked the plot of the story you are trying to show in this outline. I like the characters obstacle and the way you choose his way of overcoming them is interesting. It seems like a very emotional, relateable, thought-provoking, and inspiring film to watch and if you end up making this outline into a movie, I believe it will be a success.

  3. Your storyline is solid, not exactly original, but what is original anymore anyways. A little more info could have been included into your step-outline because it seems almost too vague to understand to be informing. It seems also to be a semi-incomplete script with the ending it has now. The bully being his obstacle, is an external conflict, but going more into detail about his internal conflict might be a stronger point to bring up. Overall, good storyline with real good potential.

  4. Great storyline you have here. What I found interesting was that you incorporated an interesting twist on the cliche idea of a school bully degrading an average teenage boy. The dramatic intent was solid but possibly could've had a little more detail to further demonstrate the internal conflicts of the boy being bullied. This storyline would be a great idea to play with, build on and develop in production. I also admire how you took the time to separate the 10 elements of story telling to put these themes in more detail and depth.
