Warning: I will be overusing gifs....this entire year.
Be aware that this list is in no particular order.
The very first movie that popped in my head was Back to the Future. Some people don't exactly enjoy the trilogy and regard the first movie as a classic. I'm not one of those people. I agree that they aren't as well polished, nor do they have such a new and exciting concept as the first, I love every single movie in the trilogy. I really hope Hollywood doesn't go ahead and decide to reboot it. If it does, one of the things that needs to remain is the charm of the movie. Today, everyone is going after the Nolan grittiness. Every movie doesn't need to be dark people...The original film has a certain nostalgia factor that still hits you even if you weren't living in the 80s or the 50s. I simply adore the 1950s time period. I'll watch any movie taking place in the 50s if it has that nostalgia attached to it. While not everyone can recall going back in time, we can all relate to the stories from the moral implications during the pursuit of sciences to bullies to forbidden love. Plus it has a simple heart filled message: "If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." The best part about the movie is that it still stands today. Marty Mcfly has defined pop culture and for that reason the movie is still relevant today.
You know what, there is a reason everyone is trying to bank off of the success of the Dark Knight trilogy. Christopher Nolan is a genius and his vision of the rebooted Batman has made Batman cool again. No longer is Batman given silly weapons and sidekicks. This movie is looked from the perceptive of what Batman would be like if he existed in the real world (okay given that Nolan's world in Batman isn't EXACTLY the same as ours). Not only is this a great superhero movie, it is a tremendous political drama. The best thing going for this film in my opinion, Heath Ledger's depiction of the Joker. Again, just like Batman, the Joker isn't a silly joke any longer. He has upgraded to a psychotic monster who just want "to watch the world burn." Although Batman Begins isn't the best demo reel for Nolan's action scenes, he improves on cinematography in the Dark Knight as well as with the script. This film is arguably one of the most quoted films of all time. Also, you admire Nolan's decision to use film instead of digital to shoot a superhero film. That is simply non-existent today.
I'm basically a sucker for heart-felt movies. By that I don't really mean romantic comedies (although some can be really good), I mean movies that leave an emotional impact on me long after I'm done watching them. If that movie can include both comedy and serious moments with an interesting story, I'm all in. This is why The Truman Show is one of my all-time favorite movies. I saw it for the first time on Netflix when I had nothing else to watch, but this movie just stuck with me. It takes a look at the issue of privacy as well as the idea of one's control of own destiny. Truman lives in a world that he believes to be real, but every single person is his life is an actor. Every single life decision in his life has made for him. He has a "seemingly perfect life," but it makes you wonder "Do I really want a perfect life like this?" This might possibly be Jim Carrey's best movie. His performance is brilliant. There is a tragic undertone to the film. Truman can have anything we wants in his life, except the he really can't. All he wants is the love of his life; he just wants a REAL emotional connection because he begins to pick up on everyone being a phony. It's incredibly interesting to see Truman's desperation to discover the truth and he is constantly just being denied and manipulated, and you can't help but feel for the guy.